The Silverback™ Ankle Fusion Plating System offers 58 unique low profile (1.5 mm – 3.5 mm thickness) anterior, lateral, and posterior plate designs, five screw diameters, and a robust offering of joint preparation instrumentation to address tibiotalar (TT) or tibiotalocalcaneal (TTC) arthrodesis.
The five Silverback™ plate screw options were designed specifically for the varying anatomy when addressing an ankle arthrodesis. They are offered in Ø3.5 mm, Ø4.2 mm, Ø4.5 mm, Ø4.7 mm, and Ø5.2 mm locking and non-locking options.
The Ø4.7 mm Compact Silverback™ screws were designed with single lead bone threads, resulting in a decreased pitch differential between the locking screw head and bone threads to reduce the amount of insertion torque when encountering dense bone that is commonly found in the proximal tibia.
All locking screws offer up to 15 degrees of variability with converging and diverging capabilities to address varied deformities. All locking plate holes and screws feature a “Cheaters Lag” technology allowing the screw to lag the plate to the bone, helping minimize plate prominence.
The Silverback™ Ankle Fusion Plating System offers Paragon 28’s patent-pending PRECSION® Guide technology.
This allows for placement of a Ø5.5 mm or Ø7.0 mm cannulated Monster® screw outside of the plate while avoiding interference with on-axis plate screws. The PRECISION® Guides can be used with the left or right configurations. Partially and fully threaded Monster® screw options are available to facilitate compression and stability across the ankle and subtalar joints.
A robust offering of joint preparation instrumentation is offered in the Silverback™ case and tray to address TT and TTC arthrodesis. Joint preparation instrumentation includes an array of cartilage removal tools, curettes, osteotomes, burrs, perforators, and bone fenestration chisels.
Talk to an Orb Medical Specialist about sourcing the Silverback™ Ankle Fusion Plating System for your patients.
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